Thursday, December 15, 2016


This is the link to our first draft video which my parts are at the end:

This is the link to our final video: 

I read the ISLE resource- linked here. This resource basically told me about what evaluations are and how evaluations should be written.

Evaluating is a process of assessing how far your work has met or exceeded the objectives created at the start of the project. You should use your objectives as the structure of your evaluation. Your objective should be the sub-title and then you can start talking about the strengths and weaknesses about the way you met this objective in your work. After this, you should also discuss and suggest actions or ways for improvement.

My Evaluation for MY ROLE:

Aim: Creating graphics for the documentary
1. Create at least 3 graphics that uses kinetic text or is a unique graph (not just simply a bar graph, pie chart, line graph etc.)
2. Use the skills I have learnt and practised in the weeks prior
3. Preferably use the program- PowerPoint
4. Make sure the files are in mp4 or AVCHD format so that the editor who uses iMovie can access them
5. Graphics must be related to our topic- hunger
6. One graphic has to be animating pictures we took from Feeding Hong Kong and captioning them using kinetic text
7. Has to be of a high quality- pleasing aesthetics, attractive, easy to understand

Strengths: I achieved everything I wrote above at a pretty good standard. I successfully created more than 3 graphics for the documentary that included kinetic text as well as less seen graphs (3D steps). I certainly did use the skills I have learnt and practised from the past few weeks and learnt new skills during this process. I made sure that all my graphics were things that will contribute to the video because they were facts and statistics from the script, high quality, easy to understand, be appealing etc. Most importantly they had to be in the format of mp4 and not the original WMV so that our editor could be able to include it in the video.

I am pleased with my graphic at 5:27 because I feel like that one single graphic showed some of the basic skills I acquired. However, I think that this graphic should've been put in while this exact line was being said a few seconds ago. 

Weaknesses and Actions for the Future: I think as well as using PowerPoint, I should have also used some online software. I did try to use them and decided not to but I think I should have kept on trying to find a better software so that I could have used a range of medias. Although I did everything on the list, my graphic with pictures from FHK was not included in the final video because it was quite long and wasn't as interesting as I would have liked it to be. I should have remade this to be shorter so that the editor would've put it in. 

In the video at 0:44, my graphic did not match up with the dialogue being said. I was very confused about this because I followed the information the editor sent to me but to improve, I think I need to double check next time so that the data corresponds with each other. 

At 1:57, my graphic looked extremely stretched compared to the original version. This can be improved if I spent the time to check the size and resolution a YouTube video uses so that I could adjust the graphic accordingly. 

I think between 2:40-3:15, I should've added in some type of graphic so that there would be more B footage and would be more interesting than just me talking a lot about Feeding Hong Kong. 

Feedback for the VIDEO:
Things we did well:
  • Good editing
  • Music was in-sync
  • Good sound quality
  • Good transitions
  • Good composition (rule of thirds) in A-roll
Things we need to improve on:
  • Some shots were shaky- refilm or stabilize
  • Some audio needs to be louder
  • Make sure the statistics aren't all at the back but when the A-roll is going on- show b-roll when talking in a-roll
  • Get better b-roll- related to hunger and not just buildings of Hong Kong
  • Need one more interview
  • Background sound in some a-roll footage

Monday, December 12, 2016

Originality and Creativity (for final video's graphics)

I have talked about my creative process in my "Developing My Information Graphic Outcomes" posts and talked about the changes, adjustments and creative decisions I made. Please read those posts -->

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Developing My Information Graphic Outcomes (Pt. 2.3)

Today, I continued my animations of the minimum wage in Hong Kong. I did exactly the same thing as yesterday and this was what my slides looked like:

My next statistic was that 1 in 4 children do not give 3 meals a day. To make this animation, I simply reused my old kinetic text animation. My slide looked like this:

My final animation was to animate a powerful quote about hunger from our interview. I looked through the script and found this, "We will never give up until the world is free from hunger." I really liked this quote because it felt powerful and impactful, therefore, I decided to animate this. I watched a few typography tutorials like these:
I found the first tutorial really helpful and that basically inspired my animation. I firstly wrote the quote in separate text boxes, adjusted the size, font, colour etc. to fit the background of the slide. Next I animated my text similarly to the first tutorial. I split up the quote onto two different slides so that it would fit. On the second slide, I added some sparkles inspired from the second tutorial on the most important words like "free" and "hunger".

My slides looked like this:

My final video with all my graphics:

Friday, December 9, 2016

Developing My Information Graphic Outcomes (Pt. 2.2)

Today, I continued my new information graphics and worked on the next two-three facts:
  • More than 1.5 million people suffer from food insecurity- Map of HK, highlighting 1.5 parts of it
  • 19% of people suffering from chronic hunger cannot afford food- Moving pie chart that fills up
  • Minimum wage in HK- Kinetic text
I started working on the first fact here by finding a map of Hong Kong online and then editing it online to remove any colour or background. Then, I put this onto my slide, made a copy and coloured this copy green. Using what I learnt from the last week to create a zoom animation effect onto a part of a picture, I applied this knowledge to animating this map. Finally, I added my text and animated everything so that it would all fit in nicely. This is what my slide looks like:

Next I worked on the next fact, I decided to do this by doing a pie chart that slowly fills up to show the 19%. At first, I was planning to use an online software instead of PowerPoint to do this. however, every single website I went on either included watermarks, had a limited amount of animations or didn't have this type of graph. Therefore, I decided to create my own on PowerPoint. This took a longer time than any other animation but in the end, I figured it out and I am pretty pleased with my end-result. 

To my the pie-chart even more interesting, I decided to instead of plainly writing 19%, I made this counter that kind of looks like an odometer. This was what the two slides looked like:

Next I started working on the third statistic. My plan was to simply do kinetic text animations to show the minimum wage in Hong Kong but after some thought, I found this too simple and boring. Therefore, I decided to reuse my previous 3D Steps graph for this statistic. I did this by deleting two levels of the steps so that there will be 3 steps to fit how the minimum wage got altered for three different times. On each step, I showed the year it got increased and how much the minimum wage was. Moreover, I included an icon of a person walking up the stairs as the animations went on. I split up this animation onto three different slides but I only completed the first slide out of three today.

The first slide looked like this:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Developing My Information Graphic Outcomes (Pt. 2.1)

On Monday's lesson, we were evaluating each other's draft videos to improve whatever shortcomings we had. Mr Sims evaluated our video and gave us a lot of excellent advice that could help us have an even more professional video. He suggested that the information graphics should not be put to the end like we did but instead throughout the video. By this he meant when there was A-roll going on, B-roll can suddenly come on and then back to the A-roll. However, this also meant that I had to redo most of my facts so that it would fit the script and the animations had to be way shorter so that it would match the speaking.

Following what I did before, I started out by planning the different facts I would do; this was my plan:

Statistics I need to animate:
  • 7 million people in 1014 square kilometers- Map of Hong Kong or people popping up
  • More than 1.5 million people suffer from food insecurity- Map of HK, highlighting 1.5 parts of it
  • 19% of people suffering from chronic hunger cannot afford food- Moving pie chart that fills up
  • Minimum wage in HK- Kinetic text
  • 1 in 4 children don't get three meals a day- Old one
  • A powerful quote from the interview section- Kinetic typography

I started off with the first statistic. Since I am deciding to use a map of Hong Kong already for the second statistic, I decided to use the people popping up idea. By this I meant that when the text comes in, the number of people on the slide keeps on increasing and increasing.

I found an icon of people online, used Photoshop to change the colour of it so that it would contrast against the black background. Next I added my text and animated it using the skills I learnt previously. I decided to add a "shadow" to the word 7 million to emphasize the importance of this word. I did this by copying the text and then changing the colour to a different colour than white (I chose a light blue for this).

My slide looked like this:

Monday, December 5, 2016

Originality and Creativity (for draft video's graphics)

I have recorded my process in the last 4 posts so in this post, I will talk about how I changed my ideas over time.


In this animation, I originally used a completely white world map. However, it was very hard to find a good contrasting colour for the people. Therefore, I decided to edit the white map in Photoshop to make it this light blue colour so that I could make the people white for a good contrast.


I only made one change when making this filled sphere chart. I originally used a green colour theme but then I thought it didn't quite match with the black background so I decided to use a contrasting  yellow colour theme.

I made a few changes when making this 3D Steps graph and when putting the silhouettes on top:
- Colour of the steps, I originally went for a bright yellow again but this limited my colour choices for my silhouettes so I changed the colour to a grey/silver

- Distance from ground of each step and how big each step should be: I experimented with these two options for quite a while until I decided on this

- Colour of the silhouettes: it was hard to choose a colour that I think would look professional and appealing


I didn't really make any changes while making this since I had practice making this type of animation. The only trouble I had was the colour of the elderly and children icons.