Monday, October 3, 2016

Preliminary Research

This task is the second task after the first task on roles and responsibilities. The link is here:

In this task we had to:
1. Make a Bundlr account- this is a tool where I collected my secondary research that can be easily shared
2. Create a shared Bundle with the director to put in our research
3. Brainstorm "Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?" questions with the director on a paper brainstorm, these questions were related to our documentary topic
4. Colour coding closed questions (questions that can be answered with a yes or no) and open questions (questions that require more than a one word answer)
5. Generating closed questions that could help us answer our bigger open ended questions
6. Researching our closed questions on the internet and then inserting the links of useful websites we find on the Bundlr

The director and I came up with a variety of questions relating to the topic of hunger. All these questions are potentially great research questions that can definitely help our project.
This was our mindmap:

From the blue open questions,  I chose a few of the helpful ones and generated further closed questions. I chose~
- How many people in Hong Kong are affected?
- Why does hunger still exist?
- Why are so many people hungry?

Afterwards, I researched online and put all my secondary research into my Bundle which is linked here:

I also found a few videos on YouTube that I thought would be helpful too.

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