Thursday, September 28, 2017

Aims and Objectives

Identifying and Setting Objectives

Before setting my own aims and objectives, I learnt about the differences between an aim and an objective. An aim is something general, broad and strategic while an objective is something that is specific, clearly defined, allows aims to be achieved. Next, I took the short quiz that tested my knowledge of differentiating between an aim and an objective. This was my result:

My Aims and Objectives
1. Interview Filming
Aim: To film an interview in a way that can show my technical competencies and appeal to the audience

  • Use a variety of shot angles effectively like wide, medium, close-up etc.
  • Compose my shots using the rule of thirds
  • Film using a tripod so that all footage will be steady
  • Film in a quiet place so that there will be close to no background noise
  • Have appropriate headroom in footage
  • Ensure the audio in the interview is usable and clear
  • Make sure the interviewee is not looking directly at the camera
  • Have the correct settings (white balance, exposure, contrast) on my camera/phone 

    2. B-Roll Filming
    Aim: To make the video more engaging and appealing using B-roll footage

    • To film B-roll in suitable and topic-related places: e.g. the sea
    • To vary the amount of B-roll and A-roll footage in the final video
    • Use a variety of shots angles during the filming of B-roll
    • Have the correct settings (white balance, exposure, contrast) on my camera/phone 
    • Avoid shaky or blurry footage
    3. Organization and Preparation of Equipment
    Aim: To have the correct equipment that is of high quality and will be able to take high-quality footage

    • To follow my pre-filming checklist
    • Download the recommended app and use it
    • To have and use a tripod
    • To have and use a filming camera that will be borrowed from the school (or phone)
    • To have and use a microphone (possibly a lavalier) that will be borrowed from the school
    • To use the microphone in close proximity and obtain clear audio
    • If equipment needs to be borrowed from the school- make sure to book it earlier and that it is available for use
    4. Audio Recording
    Aim: To always have clear audio throughout the whole video

    • To always record in a quiet environment
    • To use microphones while filming most of the time
    • To record in close proximity
    • If doing voiceovers, make sure the speaker is loud and clear, so that it can be of the best quality possible
    Collaborative Dispositions
    3 Dispositions I am good at currently from the GREEN section

    3 Dispositions that is important for my role from the BLUE section

    2 Dispositions I need to work on in group situations from the RED section

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