Sunday, February 17, 2019

Planning Interviews

Planning Interview Questions

Before planning my questions for the interview and to ask the public, I learnt about how to direct an interview through a video. 

Here are some of my notes:
- Brief your interviewee to make sure they know the topic beforehand
- Treat the interview like a conversation
- Get your talent to speak naturally by speaking to you instead of the camera
- Don't ask leading questions but ask open-ended questions
- Write out a question list but don't blatantly follow it
- Interviewer should respond to the answers of the interviewee through verbal and non-verbal feedback
- Wait for the subject to finish before asking the next question

Next, I brainstormed a list of questions I could possibly ask in the interview and identified which one is open-ended or close-ended. Then I rewrote the close-ended questions into open-ended ones and narrowed down a couple of final questions to be used in the interview.

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